Royal Institute Launches the First and Only Cambridge Certified Online School in Sri Lanka

Beginning of a new dawn with the 50th Year of Royal Institute

The traditional method of teaching and learning in the present day, has revolutionised to an active, competency and outcome based, research driven concept that equips the learners with the skills they need to succeed in the digitised world. On the significant occasion of 50th anniversary, Royal Institute takes a historical step in advancing towards a new era of digitalization with the launch of Royal Institute Smart Academy (RISA). To mark the dawn of a brand-new era in the field of international education, RI has taken this historical and forward-looking step with a vision to address the changing realities of the modern world. RISA welcomes you to a futuristic era of Learning Redefined where smart learners are well equipped to chase their aspirations.

What RISA is all about!

RISA (Royal Institute Smart Academy) is a pioneer Cambridge Certified Online School firmly rooted in Royal Institute. We offer Cambridge courses for O-Levels, AS-Level and A-Level students of ages 14-19 in an online platform that make learning effective and engaging by leveraging cutting edge technology. With the four standing pillars of Caring, Professional, Creative and Futuristic, RISA strives to empower the young learners to succeed in the modern world. The online school enables access to world-class opportunities and networks in a conducive learning environment that prepares them to be successful global citizens of the 21st century. Students who thrive for independent learning flourish with our programme, that allows them to have a plenty of interaction and engagement with the teachers and fellow students. They make the best use of the interconnected world while still maintaining a genuine human touch to succeed in the modern world.

A cutting edge and sophisticated LMS to support online learning 

The Learning Management System (LMS) deployed at RISA facilitates the collaboration suite that offers a lot of interaction among students as well as between the teacher and students. The students can fully engage in every class and interact as well as discuss their questions in real time through their microphones and chat option. The options of discussion forums, gamification, navigated course content further the student engagement. The LMS complies with the world recognized e- learning standards. All lessons are in collaboration and compliance with international e-learning standards to prepare students to sit for Cambridge O/L’s and A/L’s examinations.     

Experience the holistic development of your child with RISA

With the world class Cambridge qualifications, RISA opens the door of global opportunities for your child to enter prestigious universities anywhere in the world. In addition to academics, children have the opportunity to engage in regular meetups with the peers, co-curricular activities, career and psychological counselling that facilitates the holistic development of your child.

Changing the face of educational landscape in Sri Lanka

The academic director, Dr. Nirodha Bandara shares, “With RISA, the idea is to embed technology and education, because you can’t run away from it.  Education and technology go hand in hand, and we should embrace it. RISA would not be the typical online school that we are accustomed to in Sri Lanka where children talk to a screen for hours. The live and recorded sessions, a key feature of RISA will enable children to study at their own pace. They will be rewarded for certain achievements, and we will also focus on their physical and emotional wellbeing because that is so important.” Her vision and pioneering step of introducing a fully-fledged online school in the changing educational landscape of Sri Lanka in itself is a testimony to aspiring young learners who aim to make a difference in the world. 

Step ahead and take your next step!

You will now be able to enrich your child’s learning journey with RISA. To experience what online learning at Royal Institute Smart Academy feels like, login to our LMS through our official website

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make the best use of your Free Trial period from 19-29 September 2022. An exclusive introductory offer of 10% on the course fee for students registering during the trial period (*Terms & Conditions Applied).

Register today to reserve your seat. We are open for the September 2022 Intake. For more details, call 077 988 9848.